How to Pick the Right Pool Skimmers For Easy Cleaning

How to Pick the Right Pool Skimmers For Easy Cleaning

Pool skimmers make for easy clean-up. Sometimes you just need to skim leaves and debris from the surface of your pool. Check out some of the best skimmers.

Keyword(s): pool skimmers


Isn't crazy to think that over 10.4 million people living in the United States have a pool in their backyard?

Those people must spend hours every week cleaning out unwanted debris using pool skimmers.

We know how much time you devote to keeping your pool in pristine condition.

Do you know what skimmers work best for your residential pool?

Let's discuss how you can pick the right pool skimmers for easy cleaning in your background.

Invest in a Skimmer With a Fine Mesh Material

Your pool skimmer needs to be made out of a fine mesh material to collect leaves and other floating particles.

It's important to buy a skimmer that has lightweight materials so you can glide it through your pool water without breaking your back. After all, you want to save your body for taking an aerobic swim after you're done cleaning it, right?

The pool net should be large enough to gather plenty of debris, too.

Consider Automatic Pool Skimmers

If you really want an easy approach to keeping your pool clean all summer long, consider investing in an automatic pool skimmer. The technology that this device has will enable it to work 24/7.

Forget wasting your leisure time cleaning up after a bad storm hits your home and wrecks havoc on your property. The beauty of owning an automatic pool skimmer is the fact that it eliminates the need to pay attention to your pool as often as you do.

The PoolSkim is one excellent example of something you can purchase to improve the circulation of your pool water, too. Simply dump out the mesh bag included in this model for easy clean-up.

Floating Skimmers

Choosing a skimmer that floats can save you time and energy cleaning your pool. As soon as debris falls into your pool the floating skimmer will take notice. These semi-automatic machines will collect the debris.

Spend less time cleaning and enjoy more time swimming in the pool by investing in a semi-automatic skimmer that floats above your in-ground pool.

Robotic Pool Skimmers

Easy cleaning will be done right with the power and technology built into robotic pool skimmers. These state of the art pool vacuums can truly impact how you clean your in-ground or aboveground pool. You can find them in most local pool stores and online at places like Amazon.

Robotic pool skimming devices are great if you are on vacation and need to remember to keep your pool clean for weeks on end. Robotic vacuums also use less energy.

In comparison to other pool cleaning tools, the robots eliminate high energy costs. If you want to operate your pool filtration system at a much lower cost, think about investing in a robotic pool skimming option for your residential pool.

Let Us Clean Your Pool

At San Diego's Pool Experts, it's our main priority to keep your pool in the best shape it can be in all year long.

We offer a variety of options for your residential pool. From weekly pool and spa maintenance to filter cleanings, our expert team of professional inspectors can provide you with fast and effective service.

Jonathan Cavazos
9 Summer Pool Party Ideas for Kids

9 Summer Pool Party Ideas for Kids

Summer is here, and you know what that means. It's kids pool party season! To make a splash this year, we're sharing the 9 best pool party ideas for kids.

Keyword(s): pool party ideas for kids


With temperatures in San Diego set to soar, kids' pool party season must be right around the corner!

Make a splash this summer with these great pool party ideas for kids.

1. Photo Booth Backdrop

A quick and easy photo booth is a real winner when it comes to pool party ideas for kids.

Use a blue bed sheet for the backdrop and add in props such as sunglasses, beach balls and balloons for the kids to create memorable party snaps.

2. Treasure Hunt

Pool toys and games such as a treasure hunt are a great way to keep the kids entertained at a pool party. However, throwing coins and trinkets into the pool and letting the kids dive for treasure can mean that the strongest swimmer always wins.

Instead, keep it interesting with the rotten egg game. In this game, the eggs are numbered so that retrieving more eggs doesn't necessarily mean you win. And, one egg is labeled as 'rotten', which means whoever gets that egg loses all their points.

3. Taco Bar

The kids are bound to get hungry after all that splashing around.

Let them design their own tacos by creating a taco bar with a selection of fillings for them to choose. Lay out tortillas and a selection of ground and sliced meats, cheese, rice, beans, sour cream, guacamole, and salsa.

4. Water Guns

Water gun games are a great way for kids to cool off if they're not confident in the water or if they're too young to swim unsupervised.

5. Mini Burgers

Kids won't want anything too heavy to eat while they're in and out of the pool. Mini burgers are a great way to keep their appetites satisfied without overdoing it.

6. Inflatables

These days no pool party is complete without an inflatable float for playing with and chilling on.

Depending on the theme of your pool party you could opt for a giant slice of pizza or you may prefer a flamingo or a unicorn. But, whatever inflatable you go for, the kids are sure to be fighting over it.

7. Limbo Contest

Give the kids a reason to get out of the pool with a limbo contest. Crank up the tunes and test which one of them can go the lowest!

8. Watermelon Ice Pops

For a sweet treat that's also healthy, offer up watermelon ice pops for dessert at your pool party.

To make them, simply slice a watermelon into triangles, stick the slices onto ice pop sticks and freeze. Not only are they way more refreshing than a slice of cake, they're also super easy to make and won't melt in the sun!

9. Disposable Underwater Cameras

What better way to remember an awesome pool party than with underwater photos of the big day?!

Handing out disposable underwater cameras as favors or prizes for games means that the kids can snap away in and out of the pool. And the best part is that no one has to worry about their phones or cameras getting ruined!

Fun Pool Party Ideas for Kids

When it comes to pool party ideas for kids, keeping it simple but focusing on fun is the best way to go.

This way you'll ensure that they have the best time and you're not stressed out trying to prepare everything.

To make sure your pool is ready for party season, contact us today!

Jonathan Cavazos
7 Small Pool Ideas to Transform Your Backyard

7 Small Pool Ideas to Transform Your Backyard

A small pool creates the perfect opportunity to turn your backyard into a true sanctuary. Here are 7 amazing small pool ideas to inspire your backyard makeover.

Keyword(s): small pool ideas


Do you have a small backyard? Are you looking for ideas on how to enjoy a limited space and entertain guests?

A small pool may be the solution you are looking for.

The average in-ground pool costs nearly $22,000 but could be higher depending on what state you live in. Not only will a small pool fit in a tight space, but it will cost considerably less upfront.

Small pools are also easier to clean and cheaper to heat. In addition, a pool can increase your property value by roughly 8 percent.

Now is the time to turn your backyard into a paradise. Read on to explore 7 small pool ideas to transform your backyard.

1) The Best Small Pool Ideas Include a Swim Up Bar

A swim-up bar is one way to turn your backyard into a resort. What better way to entertain your guests than serving drinks poolside?

Mount a television on the side of the house. Add some stone seating in the pool and you will never need to go on vacation again.

2) Waterfalls are Relaxing and Classy

Not many sounds are more soothing than a rushing waterfall. Additionally, waterfalls are visibly impressive to guests and prospective buyers alike.

Add some gorgeous plants around the waterfall and you can create a personal rain forest in the backyard.

3) Incorporate a Fire Pit

Do you really want to wow your guests? Incorporate a paver fire pit on the perimeter of your pool.

By meshing the fire pit with the same pavers surrounding the pool, your backyard will feature a showstopper. Your guests can also warm up right after a dip in the pool.

4) Hot Tub Combinations are also popular

Why settle for one or the other when you can have both. A number of great pool designs incorporate a hot tub.

The hot tub can literally be built anywhere on the pool's perimeter. It can be surrounded with pavers or a number of other materials.

5) Built-In Seating Around the Pool

Most people decide to invest in a pool to host guests. A great way to achieve this is by designing the pool's perimeter to support seating.

This seating can be configured in a number of different ways. You can choose from patio furniture or curved stone benches.

Either way, this is a great way to add livable space to your backyard. This, in turn, is a proven method of increasing property value.

6) Narrow Pools Complement Modern Homes

A narrow pool is a trendy option for pools that lack a deep backyard. They are modern and can be an effective way to retain entertainment space around the pool.

7) Garden Pools are a Unique Option

Do you love plants, shrubbery, and flowers? A garden pool is one way to satisfy that love.

Design a pool surrounded by all your favorite colors to really set the mood.

Wrapping Up

Clearly, there a number of great small pool ideas for a backyard with limited space. Whether it includes a swim-up bar or a fire pit, a small pool design can blow your guests away.

For more questions on small pool designs, please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.

Jonathan Cavazos
Why Your Pool Security Should Include Electrical Safety

Why Your Pool Security Should Include Electrical Safety

As a pool owner you might not relate electrical safety and pool security. But more and more people are experiencing electric shocks while swimming. Learn more.

Keyword(s): pool security


Electrical safety may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of pool security.

After reading this, you may feel differently.

Since 2002, there have been 21 recorded fatalities from electrocution in swimming pools. This summer, four people were hospitalized for electrical shock from a luxury resort pool in Palm Desert.

How do you know if you're experiencing electrical shock? What should you do if someone in the pool is being shocked? And what can you do to ensure your swimming pool is safe and electrically sound?

Read on to learn why your pool security must include electrical safety.

The Hidden Dangers

Pool wiring and lighting are the most obvious electrical dangers, but there are others.

Here are some electrical dangers to watch for in and around your pool:

  • Underwater lights (especially in older pools)
  • All electrical equipment, including pool vacuums, pumps, and filters
  • Power or extension cords
  • Switches
  • Outlets
  • Radios, televisions, or speakers in the pool area
  • Overhead power lines

Most modern pools contain ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI). These immediately stop the flow of electricity to pool wiring if they detect a problem.

However, older pools built before the 1980's may not have them.

What to Do If You (Or Someone Else) Gets Shocked

How do you know if you're experiencing shock in a swimming pool?

Here are some common signs and symptoms:

  • Tingling sensation
  • Muscle cramps or weakness
  • Feeling like you're being "held" in place
  • Inability to move

If you experience any of these symptoms, immediately move away from the source and exit the pool. Avoid using a metal ladder, as it can increase the shock.

If there's sudden panic in the pool or one or more swimmers go motionless, turn off all power connections and call 911. If someone is unconscious, use a rescue hook to remove them from the water.

Keep in mind that electrical shock can also occur in spas, jacuzzis, and hot tubs.

How to Be Sure Your Pool Is Safe

The most important aspect of pool security is to prevent these scenarios before they happen.

Here are seven tips for ensuring your pool is electrically safe.

  1. Schedule annual inspections with a licensed electrician or pool technician.
  2. Ensure that the power switch and GFCI are well-marked and easy to reach.
  3. Know where to locate all circuit breakers and how to turn them off.
  4. Keep emergency equipment, such as a rescue hook, nearby and easily accessible.
  5. If installing a new pool, make sure it's at least 25 feet away from any overhead power lines.
  6. Avoid touching any electrical items if your skin is wet or if you're in contact with a wet surface.
  7. In the pool area, use battery-operated radios, speakers, and other electrical equipment.

Keep an eye out for warning signs in your pool, such as mold, rust, or water in the lighting fixtures. Flickering lights or a buzzing sound are also signs you need an inspection.

Final Thoughts on Pool Security

Although electrocution in swimming pools is rare, it does happen. And the results can be deadly.

By using common sense and scheduling regular inspections, you can ensure your pool is safe for everyone to enjoy.

Interested in more pool safety advice? Check out our recent post on safety tips for your inground pool.

Jonathan Cavazos
Swimming Pool Filters: A Guide to Pool Filtration

Swimming Pool Filters: A Guide to Pool Filtration

There are a lot of questions when it comes to swimming pool filters. Is it the right size? How do I clean it? This guide has the answers to your questions.

Keyword(s): swimming pool filters


Swimming is the most popular activity children and teens do for fun in the United States. Do you want your children swimming in filthy water?

Swimming pool filters, when combined with the proper maintenance, remove debris to keep your water clear. The wrong pool filter, though, won't keep your pool as clean as it should be.

Today we'll give you some tips on how to choose the right filter and maintain it.

Let's get into it!

Types of Swimming Pool Filters

All pool filters fall into three basic types: diatomaceous earth (DE) filters, sand filters, and cartridge filters. Which one is the best for your pool?

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Filters

A diatomaceous earth filter is a tank with fabric-covered grids inside. A substance called diatomaceous earth covers those filters.

DE is a natural, white powder. It's small enough to stop any debris bigger than three microns while letting water flow through.

DE filters are large, so they filter the largest surface area to keep a large pool the cleanest. If you live in an area with a lot of trees or bushes, they remove more vegetation from the water than other filters.

Sand Filters

Sand filters are one of the most common pool filters. They're tanks that have filters with sand on them.

The sands strains debris larger than 20 microns. Then the water works its way through before finally coming out through drains called laterals.

Sand filters are popular because they're the easiest to use. However, they take longer than other filters to work.

They struggle with very dirty pools or those with a lot of vegetation debris.

Cartridge Filters

Cartridge filters are filters with no other material on them. They have a tight mesh that prevents debris larger than 10 microns from getting through.

They're easy to install because they don't require extra plumbing. They work faster than sand filters, so they're better for larger surface area pools.

The downside is that these are the most expensive units.

Choosing the Right Size

To keep a pool properly cleaned, you have to choose swimming pool filters of the right size. Warning: there's some math involved in this process.

Here's the basic process:

  • Calculate the pool volume in cubic feet
  • Calculate the capacity (the number of gallons that fit in the pool) by multiplying 7.48 by the cubic feet
  • Determine the flow rate you want
  • Find a filter flow rate that matches

Here are some pool calculation formulas for more help with these calculations.


Once you know the size you need, consider the maintenance needs of different swimming pool filters.


Backwashing is the process of running water backward through sand and DE filters. This cleans the dirt off of the filters and flushes it out of a pipe.

After you backwash a DE filter, you must replace the DE that flushes away with the dirt. Every 5-8 years, you also need to replace the sand in a sand filter.

Cartridge Cleaning

Cartridge filters need no backwashing, which saves water in dry areas. When the pressure rises to indicate a dirty filter, simply remove the filters from the unit and wash them.

That's the very basic maintenance, but the specific unit you choose might need more troubleshooting for its components.

Wrapping Up

Swimming pool filters seem complicated, but you just need to choose the one that best fits your needs and budget.

For the cleanest water, choose a DE filter. For ease of use, choose a sand filter. For the easiest maintenance or least water usage, choose a cartridge filter.

If you're still confused, contact us. We can answer your questions on pool filters and give you a quote!

Jonathan Cavazos
The How-to Guide on Pool Vacuums

The How-to Guide on Pool Vacuums

A pool vacuum can make the task of cleaning and maintaining your pool much easier. Here is a guide on how to use and operate one.

Keyword(s): pool vacuum


There's nothing better than swimming in your pool during the summer. But what if your pool is dirty?

Cleaning your pool is paramount for any pool owner. While swimming is loads of fun for your family and friends, safety is also key. And a dirty pool looks gross.

When dirt, debris, and other unwanted materials get stuck in your pool, you need to know how to use a pool vacuum.

This how-to guide will tell you anything related to pool vacuums. Vacuuming a pool isn't a task the normal person is taught. This guide will ease you into the world of pool cleaning so you'll see spotless results.

About Pool Vacuums

The hose of a pool vacuum creates suction through your pool's skimmer. This causes negative pressure, pulling water through the skimmer and back to the vacuum.

When this pressure is created, the vacuum pulls water in and then back into the skimmer. This is necessary so water stays in the pool.

While this process is occurring, the head of the vacuum is on the floor of the pool sucking up dirt and debris. This material is sucked into the skimmer, then the hose, and into the vacuum's sand filter.

Here are the steps to vacuuming your pool:

First Step

Attach the vacuum head to the pole.

Depending on the type of pool vacuum you own, there should be a label on the vacuum head and the pole where they should be attached.

Make sure you perform this step: the pole helps maneuver the vacuum in the deep end. 

Second Step

Attach the vacuum hose to the vacuum head.

This is also important: the vacuum hose needs to connect to the skimmer. Depending on the vacuum you own, there should be a labeled area to connect the hose.

Third Step

Lower the pool vacuum into the pool.

A best practice to keep in mind is both the vacuum hose and the vacuum head should be submerged. Keep the pole outside of the pool so you can easily hold it.

Fourth Step

Locate the filter skimmer.

This is where the water enters the pool. It should be on one of the sides of the pool.

Fifth Step

Plug the hose into the intake nozzle.

Water will be sent in through the hose. When water is coming in, you'll see bubbles rising from the vacuum head. You'll know water is completely filled when you stop seeing bubbles.

After this, your pool head should be flat on the pool floor.

Sixth Step

Switch to intake mode.

This is a setting on the filter nozzle. Guide the vacuum head on the pool floor. This will suck any dirt into the vacuum.

Seventh Step

When your pool is clean, you're finished!

When you're done, be sure you disconnect the vacuum hose from the filter and remove the vacuum head from the pool.

Every Pool Vacuum is Different

Be sure to always read the directions and instruction manual for your pool vacuum.

Having a pool is a luxury, especially if you live in a hot climate. But owning a pool requires upkeep. Dirt, debris, and other unwanted material usually end up in the pool. The best way to remove this material is to vacuum your pool.

The more you vacuum your pool, the more you can go swimming with your family and friends.

Jonathan Cavazos
6 Essential Summer Pool Toys to Purchase for Your Kids

6 Essential Summer Pool Toys to Purchase for Your Kids

Are you looking to buy awesome pool toys to keep your kids entertained this summer? Click here for 6 essential summer pool toys to purchase for your kids.

Keyword(s): Summer Pool Toys


Installing a pool in your backyard is a great way to increase your property value, create a space to relax, and help keep your kids healthy and active!

But sometimes having a beautiful pool in your backyard isn't enough to keep your kids entertained.

Even if they love to swim, your kids are likely to get bored swimming from one end of the pool to the next. Keep them happy and entertained with these six essential summer pool toys!

1. Melissa & Doug Sunny Patch Louie Lobster Claw Catcher - Grab-and-Squeeze Pool Toy

Nothing beats summer pool toys that will keep your kids entertained and moving!

With the Melissa & Doug Sunny Patch Louie Lobster Claw Catcher, they'll spend hours jumping and diving through the water in search of the little plastic creatures.

This toy is best for children ages five and up who can easily dive to the bottom of your pool and swim back up on their own.

2. Inflatable Giant Beach Ball

An old classic gets a fun modern twist!

This Inflatable Giant Beach Ball is sure to be a hit with kids of any age. Younger kids will love trying to push this giant around the water. Engage older kids in a challenging game of volleyball in the pool or on land. 

This inexpensive toy is also easy to deflate and bring along on your next summer vacation!

3. Noodle Head Shooter

Part floaty, part water gun, this Noodle Head Shooter is a must in any pool.

A traditional pool noodle with a rubber head designed for shooting streams of water up to ten feet, this toy is great for kids ages five and up.

You can even choose from dinosaurs, horses, sea creatures and more!

4. Swim Thru Rings

It can be tough to find summer pool toys to entertain older kids. If your children have outgrown floaties and plastic water toys, buy them a set of Swim Thru Rings.

These large rings have a weight on one side that allows the ring to float upright in the water creating an enticing target for kids to swim through.

Challenge strong swimmers by setting up multiple rings throughout your pool for them to swim through!

5. Rotten Egg Game

If you have kids who are different ages, you know how tough it can be to find summer pool toys to entertain them together.

That's what makes the Rotten Egg Game a great choice!

The game comes with a set of eggs that sink to the bottom of the pool. Kids then race to find them.

But rather than allowing the strongest swimmer to win simply because he or she finds the most eggs, these eggs are numbered. Each one is worth varying amounts of points, and one egg is labeled "rotten," and whoever finds it loses all of their points, giving even weaker swimmers a chance to win.

6. Baby Spring Float Activity Center

While many pool toys are aimed at kids who are old enough to swim on their own, this Baby Spring Float Activity Center is a great way to entertain your youngest pool-goers.

Your baby will float safely while enjoying a variety of toys that squeak, rattle, and move.

Find the Perfect Summer Pool Toys Today!

Regardless of your kids' ages, there is a summer pool toy out there that is perfect for their age and skill level!

You can even get in on the fun, and enjoy plenty of active summer days with your family.

Don't have a backyard pool yet? Contact us today for a free estimate!


Jonathan Cavazos
5 Super Awesome Pool Floats You Need This Summer

5 Super Awesome Pool Floats You Need This Summer

A pool party isn't complete without pool floats. Click here for 5 awesome pool floats you should consider buying for your pool this summer. Click here for more.

Keyword(s): Pool Floats


Are you thinking about having a few pool parties this summer?

Of course you are! There's hardly any point in having a pool if you aren't holding a couple great pool parties each year. 

Well, there's that and the relaxation they provide even when you don't have the crew over. And luckily, we're here to tell you how you can make both situations even better.

Two words: pool floats. You might have a couple of donut shaped tubes that you bust out for the party. But those don't really cut it. So check out these five awesome pool floats that you need for your pool this summer. 

1. Giant Swan

Elegant. Classy. Gigantic. The giant inflatable swan lets you relax in the heat and float dreamily around your pool. 

It comes with the added benefit of being white, so it doesn't heat up as fast. That's important when you attempt to get on after leaving it out in the sun all day. 

2. Avocado Pool Floats

Avocados are in right now. Whether you're using them in guacamole or putting them on toast, avocados are a go-to staple in the kitchen.

And now, there's another use for them. Your avocado pool float lets people know that you're in tune with what's hot and what's not. Imagine cursing around on one of these with a bowl of chips in one hand and some guacamole in the other.

Pure heaven. 

3. Pizza Float

You thought we were done with food, didn't you? But the pizza slice pool float had to be included. Why? Because it's huge, and you can fit at least eight people on it, no problem. 

That's a big deal when it comes to planning your party guest list. Now you can invite way more people, knowing that everyone will have a slice should they want it.

4. Tiki Bar 

Now it's a party. Is there really any reason not to have a floating bar at your pool party? Guests walking around back immediately realize they're in for a good time.

The tiki bar is an essential addition to your pool float collection. It provides shade, a place to hold drinks, and a gathering place in the pool.

Everyone crowds around the bar or in the kitchen anyway, right? Now they get to do it while in the pool. 

5. Picnic Table 

A floating bar is great, but at some point you're going to want to eat, too.

Do you have to leave the pool for that? Not if the makers of this picnic table float have anything to say about it.

Keep everyone happy, cool, and full by letting them eat meals in the pool. Is it risky to place chicken wings on a floating table? Sure. But what's life without a little risk? 

Prep Your Pool

Looking to get the pool cleaned up before that next party? Need some maintenance work done before you can bust out the pool floats? Then contact the experts at San Diego Pool Patrol.

Our quality, dependability, and honesty are legendary, so call today!

Jonathan Cavazos
How to Protect Against Swimming Pool Chemicals

How to Protect Against Swimming Pool Chemicals

How to Protect Against Swimming Pool Chemicals

Swimming is the fun part, but those swimming pool chemicals? Not so much. Read on for valuable tips and tricks for protecting against pool chemicals.

Keyword(s): swimming pool chemicals


When the weather gets too hot to bear, but you still want to be outside, there's nothing like a quick dip (or a leisurely float, or a long swim!) in a pool. Unfortunately, the chemicals that are necessary to keep pool water fresh and clean can wreak havoc on your hair, skin, and bathing suit.

Read on for tips to protect yourself from swimming pool chemicals, so you can get your swim on, all summer long!

Are Swimming Pool Chemicals Safe?

Yes! You would not want to even dip a toe into any pool that wasn't treated with chlorine and bromine. These protect swimmers from microbes that would otherwise be potential health hazards. 

That said, there are some precautions to take. Prevent yourself from post-pool woes like dry hair, skin irritation, wear-and-tear on your swim duds, and even some health problems by following these tips.

Rinse Off -- Before and After

Taking a shower after climbing out of the pool is a must. Wash your hair and body thoroughly. This will help the swimming pool chemicals from lingering on your skin and hair.

Public pools ask patrons to shower before entering the water, and although many people ignore this request, it's in your best interests to comply.


It turns out that a potentially dangerous compound called chloramine can develop when chlorine reacts with the ammonia from sweat (Chloramine also results from the interaction of chlorine and urine, so please don't pee in the pool!)

Washing off perfumes, lotions and other beauty products before swimming is another way to avoid toxic interactions between the chemicals in those and in the pool water. 

Turn to Coconut Oil

The benefits of coconut oil for health have been widely debated, but as a topical skin care product, it does more than just moisturize.

Healthy skin is covered by a thin, somewhat acidic film that protects against alkaline bacteria and viruses. Both soap and chlorine can remove this film, but by applying coconut oil -- which replicates it -- you can add a layer of protection. 

Spray on Vitamin C 

Did you know that vitamin C neutralizes chlorine and chloramine? After your dip in the pool -- but before your shower -- spritz yourself with a DIY solution of powdered vitamin C dissolved in filtered water. This will prevent the negative effects of swimming pool chemicals.

Take Care of Your Hair

You've heard horror stories about avid swimmers' hair turning green from chlorine.

Even casual swimmers, though, may find that their hair becomes dry or brittle. Use a clarifying shampoo and a deep conditioning treatment after each swim to help keep your locks healthy and strong. You can also avoid the problem altogether by wearing a swim cap. Bonus: a swim cap keeps your hair dry, too, so that your post-swim beauty routine is greatly simplified.


If you're lucky enough to have a pool in your backyard, stay up to date with maintenance and cleaning, and regularly test the waters to make sure the levels of chlorine and other swimming pool chemicals are optimal. 

Doing so benefits not only the health of your skin and hair but also your pool. 

Need help cleaning your pool so you can get the most out of it this summer? Let's do the job for you. Get a quote!

Jonathan Cavazos
5 Summer Recipes for Your San Diego Pool Party

5 Summer Recipes for Your San Diego Pool Party

5 Summer Recipes for Your San Diego Pool Party

Nothing says summer like a San Diego Pool Party. That's why we're kicking off the season with 5 delicious recipes that are perfect for poolside snacking.

Keyword(s): san diego pool party


Refreshing drinks, dippable snacks and frozen treats - all of these summer favorites are staples at a classic San Diego pool party. Summer is the perfect time to get creative with your snacks...and drinks! 

If you like entertaining your guests with DIY pool party tricks, keep reading. We've got 5 summer recipes to help you throw a San Diego pool party your friends will remember.

5 Recipes for a San Diego Pool Party

From the cooling cocktail to bottomless chips and dip, we've got a creative recipe for all the fun summer treats. Here are a few recipes that are perfect for the poolside.

1. Pool Party Pasta Salad

Pasta salads are a big hit at summer time parties and cookouts. This Pool Party Pasta Salad is a more nutritious version. Grilled chicken and kidney beans pack this dish with protein, making it an excellent choice for a light meal or a side dish.

You and the kids can get your veggies in with asparagus, broccoli, tomatoes and bell peppers all in this pasta salad mix. Feta cheese adds a nice flavor as well. With just 30 minutes of cooking time, you'll have a nutritious and delicious pasta salad.

2. Tropical Guacamole

Chips and dip are great for convenient snacking at your pool party. Go beyond the traditional salsa and whip up this Tropical Guacamole. Fresh pineapple pairs nicely with hot jalapeno peppers in this avocado mash.

You'll want to have plenty of this satisfying appetizer to go around. Serve tortilla chips from your favorite San Diego Mexican restaurant, or chop up veggies to serve with the Tropical Guacamole.

3. Strawberry-Lemon Mojitos

Offer a fun cocktail in addition to cold beers so guests have options to choose from. Hot summer days call for the umbrella drinks. Guests won't be able to resist a fruity cocktail that takes them from your San Diego pool party right to the beach.

These Strawberry-Lemon Mojitos are naturally sweet and refreshing. Make it a smoother drink by using a molasses-based rum. For a drier cocktail, use a sugarcane-based rum.

4. Beach Ball Ice Cream Sandwiches

Let your creativity reign with these adorable Beach Ball Ice Cream Sandwiches. Two homemade sugar cookies sandwich rich, creamy ice cream to make a delicious treat that the kids will love. With the beach ball design, you'll feel right at the beach.

5. Barbecued Chicken Pizzas

If you're throwing together a last-minute San Diego pool party, make a snack that's quick and easy. These Barbecued Chicken Pizzas are perfect when you're crunched for time.

Use a refrigerated pizza crust, barbecue sauce and leftover chicken breast to whip up these smoky pizzas. Hot off the grill, these pizzas will be a big hit with your pool party guests.

Recipes for the Best Pool Party in San Diego

Be warned: These summer recipes will make your house the place people want to come back to! We hope you're ready to throw pool parties all summer long.

And, make sure to keep up with pool maintenance. Call San Diego's Pool Experts for top notch service!

Jonathan Cavazos
Keep A Pristine Pool with These Time-Saving Tips

Keep A Pristine Pool with These Time-Saving Tips

Keep A Pristine Pool with These Time-Saving Tips

Did you just have a pool added to your home and don't want maintenance to take too much time? Here are some time-saving tips for a pristine pool.

Keyword(s): Pristine Pool


Having a pool may seem like a luxury, and for the most part, it is. But there's no doubt that sometimes pool maintenance can be a burden.

But it doesn't have to be. 

Here are a few tips on how to easily keep a pristine pool while dedicating little time to pool maintenance. 

Use a Tennis Ball 

Who knew that tennis balls have a dual purpose as helping to keep a pristine pool? Pools can accumulate all kinds of oils, from our body oils to sunscreen, but tennis balls are a quick fix to absorb the oil and keep your pool looking squeaky clean. Just throw a couple in your pool and you're good to go. 

Keep the Pool Walls and Surrounding Areas Clean 

If you want to keep your pool water sparkly clean, you need to make sure that the pool walls and surrounding areas are also clean. Many of the products you need to clean these areas can probably be found in your laundry room cabinets. 

Usually, baking soda and a laundry detergent will do the trick. It is also important to rid your pool of any excess debris such as leaves and algae buildup. Power washing your pool deck every once in a while is also a good idea. 

This process is commonly known as skimming and scrubbing and it is an important part of pool maintenance. If you keep up with it at least once a week, you should only need to dedicate a small amount of time to the process. 

Clean Your Pool Filter Weekly 

Another simple step you can take toward a clean pool is cleaning your pool filter on a weekly basis. It may seem like a hassle, but if you keep up with it, it can actually be a real time saver. 

A good rule of thumb to know when it's time to clean your filter is when it reaches 10-15 pounds per square inch. A little bit of dirt in your filter can actually be good, so excessive cleaning of the filter is not necessary. You'll also want to clean out the pipes around once every month. 

Make Sure Your Water and Chemical Levels Are Steady

Another step that will save you time, in the long run, is maintaining your water and chemical levels on a daily basis. A pool testing kit as a good way to check your levels, but an obvious sign that your pool needs attention is water that is cloudy in appearance. 

Shocking your pool is an easy way to make sure the chemicals are at a good level. A shock treatment, or a super chlorination, should be performed around every two weeks during prime pool usage.  

Water levels should also be checked and maintained constantly, as they can drop quickly with constant pool use. 

Keeping a Pristine Pool Made Easy

Following these four tips will help keep your pool pristine. But some of the steps, such as pool shocking and filter and pipe cleaning can seem a little intimidating. 

Sometimes it's best to just relax and leave it to the professionals. And soon enough, you'll be relaxing pool-side with one less worry. 

Jonathan Cavazos
What You Should and Shouldn't Do in Pool Maintenance

What You Should and Shouldn't Do in Pool Maintenance

What You Should and Shouldn't Do in Pool Maintenance

Did you just have a pool installed and you want to maintain it properly? Here is what you should and should not do in pool maintenance.

Keyword(s): Pool Maintenance


Having a pool can be a fun luxury; however, if you don't take proper care of it, that luxury can end up causing you huge headaches.

If you've recently had a pool installed, then you might be wondering how to properly maintain it. 

Read on for four tips on how to keep proper pool maintenance.

1. Keep pH Levels Balanced

The pH level of your pool refers to how acidic the water is. The recommended pH level for pools is between 7.2 and 7.8. This ensures that the chlorine works effectively.

Good pool maintenance requires you to keep up with the pH balance of the water. In doing so, anyone who swims in it will be protected from harsh irritations to skin or eyes that can be caused by an unbalanced pool.

To properly balance a pool, adding acids or alkalis to the water is necessary. If you aren't comfortable doing so, you can hire a professional to do it for you.

2. Remove All Debris

Even if you have a screen around your pool, it is still common for debris to fall into your pool. However, these pesky items can be detrimental to your filter system.

Things such as leaves or sticks can clog the filtration system of your pool -- which will result in costly repairs.

Good pool maintenance should involve skimming the surface regularly with a pool net and using a vacuum to remove debris from the bottom. A little work now means less work in the future!

3. Operate The Pool Pump

A pool pump is what keeps the water of your pool circulating. Proper usage of a pool pump is crucial when it comes to pool maintenance.

By keeping a pool pump running for at least eight hours a day, your pool water will pass through the filter at least twice per day. This passage is important for the balance of chemicals in the water.

4. Shock Your Pool With Chlorine

"Shocking" your pool with chlorine means you apply more than the recommended amount of chlorine to the water at least once per month. This amount equates to three to five the recommended dosage.

While this may sound backward at first, it's actually incredibly beneficial when it comes to pool maintenance. By adding all of the chlorine, you will kill any unwanted bacteria or algae that may be lingering in your pool water.

By keeping up with shocking your pool, it will be a safe, fun place for you to enjoy without worrying about its how dirty it could potentially be.

Pool Maintenance Should Be a Priority

Overall, taking proper care of your pool is a valuable habit to get into. By taking proper care of your pool, you will avoid having to pay for costly repairs after something goes wrong.

Important characteristics of pool maintenance include balancing its pH levels, removing debris, keeping the pool pump running and shocking it with chlorine at least once a month.

If you're looking for exceptional pool services in the San Diego area, feel free to reach out to us today!

Jonathan Cavazos
5 Safety Tips For Your Inground Pool

5 Safety Tips For Your Inground Pool

Inground pools are great, but it's important to make sure that they're safe. Read here to learn 5 safety tips for your inground pool.

Keyword(s): inground pool


Having an inground pool in your yard gives you a great space for fun and exercise for your whole family.

But they can also be dangerous. Drowning is a leading cause of death for children between 1-14 years

It's easy to make them safe without spoiling anyone's fun. So read on to learn 5 simple safety tips to protect your family.

1. Install a safety cover

You probably use a cover to stop leaves or other debris falling in during the winter. But you can also install a safety cover to add more protection.

So if your little ones decide to go exploring, they'll just toddle across the cover. They won't be able to fall in.

That's also handy if you have older offspring who might come home late having had a drink or two.

Covering the pool when it's not in use is an easy way to stay safe. Check out our other tips for maintaining your pool.

2. Put in a safety fence around your inground pool

You might think it'll spoil the look of your yard. But some towns even make safety fences mandatory.

Your fence should be at least 48" high. It also needs a childproof gate that closes and latches itself.

Choose a fence that makes it hard to climb over. It's hard for your children to fall in if they can't even get to your inground pool.

3. Have safety equipment nearby

You might think lifesavers are only necessary for public pools, or the beach.

But you can easily install something simple near your inground pool. Better safe than sorry.

So consider a lifesaver attached to a rope. If someone falls in, simply toss them the lifesaver and pull them to safety.

If that seems too much for your yard, get a shepherd's hook. They attach to the pole you use from skimming the pool and you can just fish the person out.

4. Choose a pool alarm

You can choose from different pool alarms to let you know when someone is too close to the pool.

A perimeter alarm works the way you'd expect. It sets up an invisible laser field around the pool. An alarm sounds if a child breaks the beam.

That's also great if your pets like impromptu swimming parties.

You could try a pressure sensitive alarm that goes off if someone falls into the pool.

Or you can combine the gate in your safety fence with an alarm. This lets you know when someone has opened the gate.

5. Teach your children to swim

This sounds like an obvious tip if you have an inground pool. But it's worth repeating.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have noted that drownings have fallen. But toddlers are still at the greatest risk.

So make sure your children over the age of 4 can swim. And you can use the Infant Self-Rescue program to teach smaller children how to use floating or breathing techniques to save themselves.

If you'd like to renovate your pool to improve safety, contact us for a quote!

Jonathan Cavazos
San Diego Pool Patrol @ Work!

Sometimes life gets in the way and you can't find time to take care of your investment. Having San Diego Pool Patrol maintain your pool needs, you will never have to worry about the conditions of your pool. It will always be in top notch shape. If life got in the way and your pool looks like this call, San Diego Pool Patrol and we can change it over night!

Life got in the way and you forgot to maintain your pool! 

Life got in the way and you forgot to maintain your pool!


This is what happens in 2-3 days after contacting San Diego Pool Patrol!

This is what happens in 2-3 days after contacting San Diego Pool Patrol!

Jonathan Cavazos
Can a Backyard Swimming Pool Increase My Property Value?

Backyard Swimming Pool Can Increase Property Value

A pool is a big investment, but is it worth it? Read on to learn whether or not a backyard swimming pool can increase the value of your property.

Keyword(s): backyard swimming pool


When we think of a backyard swimming pool, we think of cookouts, summertime gatherings, and family fun. With all that positivity, it is no surprise that a pool can increase a home's value by 8 percent!

Home shoppers are on the hunt for their dream abode, and more often than not, that dream includes a place to kick back and relax. There's no better place to do that than next to a beautiful, crystal clear pool.

So, what are the details of this finding?

Let's explore some more.

Value in a backyard swimming pool

The reasons people are drawn to a home with a backyard swimming pool will vary, but one thing is certain: pools add value. Period. 

But, how can you know where your home falls as far as how much value?

Here are some factors that can increase its worth:

  • if a neighborhood has mostly homes with pools
  • if a buyer is specifically looking for a home with a pool
  • if the backyard is bigger than just the pool, leaving room for extra recreation, like an outdoor grill station or jungle gym
  • if the home is in a warm place like Florida, where the pool gets used more often
  • if the pool area is well-maintained and up to date with current technology
  • if the home is located in an upper-class neighborhood where the added expenses of a pool wouldn't be a deterrent

In-ground or above ground?

Believe it or not, all pools are not created equal. 

In fact, while an in-ground pool can have a serious return on investment, an above ground pool brings zero to the table as far as a return. 

Some sellers will make pitches about how you can remove an above ground pool easier than an in-ground one. But, let's be honest. If you're thinking about building a pool, you're probably not thinking about getting rid of it.

So, if you're looking into adding a pool as an investment, make sure it is in-ground.

An extra boost

Whether you decide to have a pool installed, or if you already have one, these upgrades can increase the value of a home even more.

Regular, professional care

Hiring a professional is the first and most crucial step to ensure your pool adds the most value to your home. 

Consistent and efficient maintenance will keep your backyard swimming pool on-point while it's yours to enjoy. Plus, if/when you're ready to sell, you'll save money on trying to spruce it up because it will already be in tip-top shape. 

Fencing for safety

Families who are looking to buy a home will find pools with safety fencing much more appealing than pools without it. 

Some parents may not have intended to purchase a home with a pool, so the idea of one can make them nervous if they have children. To be a step ahead of the game, add safety fencing that will put them at ease right away.

To be a step ahead of the game, add safety fencing that will put them at ease right away.

A deck for good measure

The next best thing after a pool is a deck where you can soak up the sun and hang out with family and friends. 

Building a deck or patio is a wise investment, considering 98 percent of home buyers prefer a home that has one. 

Interested in getting a quote or need to contact us? No problem! We're here for you, so feel free to get in touch anytime.

Jonathan Cavazos
San Diego Pool Patrol @ Work!

Just when you think you can handle maintaining your pool on your own and something goes wrong! As a home owner your scratching your head and asking yourself, what should I do? Time to call San Diego Pool Patrol, the professionals that can get your pool back to tip top shape in no time. 

When its time to call San Diego Pool Patrol!

When its time to call San Diego Pool Patrol!

When your so thankful you called San Diego Pool Patrol!

When your so thankful you called San Diego Pool Patrol!

Jonathan Cavazos
San Diego Pool Patrol @ Work (Acid Wash)

When you have a plaster pool it is important to maintain your asset. Acid washes should be done every 2 to 4 years. What an acid wash does is removes a thin layer of plaster, built on calcium and excessive amounts of algae, and the staining that occurs with poorly maintained pools. Once the acid wash is complete, you will be left with a pool that is healthier, more appealing, asthetically pleasing and most importantly algae free!

Pool in need of a acid wash!

Pool in need of a acid wash!

Acid wash completed!

Acid wash completed!

Time to enjoy your pool!

Time to enjoy your pool!

Pool Cleaning Tips To Get Ready for Summer

Pool Cleaning Tips To Get Ready for Summer

Leaves and grime can ruin any day spent at the pool. Here are some of the easiest and most important pool cleaning tips to get ready for the summer.

Keyword(s): pool cleaning


Summertime isn't complete without a refreshing dip in the pool. So it's important to make sure a grimy pool doesn't ruin the experience.

Many pool owners get overwhelmed at the thought of pool maintenance. However, keeping a pool clean and hygienic doesn't have to be a cumbersome task.

Regular routine care will ensure your swimming experiences are never compromised. You can do pool cleaning yourself or hire professionals to help. Here's how to keep your pool looking pristine and in good health.

Skim and Scrub Daily

Two simple tasks you can do on your own are skimming and scrubbing. Doing this daily is one of the easiest ways to keep a clean pool. It helps to minimize buildup and helps a pool's circulation system.

You can skim leaves and debris off of the surface of the water. Purchase a vacuum like the Polaris 360 to clean the pool bottom weekly.

Finding some spots that need some elbow grease? Fill an old sock with chlorine. Then let it sit on the tough spot to help remove stains. 

Clean Your Filter

It's important to clean your filter at least once a week. This is another pool cleaning step that will keep a pool fresh. 

However, cleaning the filter too often can make it less effective. A mild amount of dirt actually helps trap other particles. Clean your filter when it reaches 10-15 pounds per square inch. 

You should also clean the pipes used by the filter system. 

Maintain Consistent Water and Chemical Levels

Is your pool water looking murky or cloudy? This a sure sign of improperly balanced water.

That can cause skin and eye irritation. It can also mean your pool is full of bacteria.

A good goal is to test your water weekly. You can easily do this with a testing kit from a local pool store. Check the CDC's website for detailed info on the six chemical levels.

You can shock your pool to get rid of bacteria. Shocking is the process reducing the chlorine levels to kill bacteria.

Quick tip: baking soda is a great alternative to expensive pool chemicals.

It's also important to keep a constant eye on your pool's water levels. Water will be lost from swimming, splashing and swimmers exiting the pool. A water leak could also be the culprit.

If there's a leak call a professional to have it patched. Once you get your water level back to normal, recheck the chemical levels. Water fluctuations could have thrown them off. 

Throw a Tennis Ball into the Pool

Swimmers leave behind oils from their skin and body products. These oils can leave a slick layer on the top pool water. 

One solution? Throw a tennis ball into the water. The fibers in the tennis ball will help absorb the oils.  

Power Wash the Pool Deck

Also called pressure washing, power washing helps remove rust and weather stains. You can rent a power washer at local a home improvement store.

You can rent a power washer at local a home improvement store.

Learn How to Properly Winterize

A good pool owner knows maintenance goes beyond the end of summer. Securing your pool during the cooler seasons by winterizing is an absolute must.

Freezing temperatures and ice in pool pipes among can cause pool damage. So you need to properly secure your pool for winter. 

An air compressor can blow water from the pool's plumbing. You should also buy a cover to keep the pool free from debris.

Properly winterizing saves you time and money by preventing harm to your pool.

Schedule a Yearly Pool Cleaning and Service Appointment

Pool upkeep takes some work but it doesn't have to be a burden. Regular maintenance will keep your pool sparkling and your swimming sessions immaculate.

It's a good idea to have a pool professional service your pool annually. Addressing a small problem can prevent a huge crisis down the line.

A pool servicing can cost $100 or more, but it really depends on how much maintenance your pool needs. 

As your pool care partner, we can help you maintain a beautiful pool! Get a quote today!


Jonathan Cavazos
San Diego Pool Patrol @ Work (Mastic)

Some people don't realize how important it is to keep your mastic in great shape. When owning a pool you need to protect your investment. What's the purpose for mastic? Mastic is a barrier protection that keeps water in your pool from seeping underneath the concrete. In severe cases, poorly installed or neglected mastic can lead to costly repairs. To avoid your concrete from lifting or your pool lifting, please make sure to check your mastic.  We can stop by to make sure your mastic is in great shape. Call San Diego Pool Patrol today to make an appointment. (619)832-1110 

(BEFORE) This mastic is in bad shape and need immediate attention!

(BEFORE) This mastic is in bad shape and need immediate attention!

(AFTER) This in how your mastic should look to protect your investment!

(AFTER) This in how your mastic should look to protect your investment!

Jonathan Cavazos