Keep A Pristine Pool with These Time-Saving Tips

Keep A Pristine Pool with These Time-Saving Tips

Keep A Pristine Pool with These Time-Saving Tips

Did you just have a pool added to your home and don't want maintenance to take too much time? Here are some time-saving tips for a pristine pool.

Keyword(s): Pristine Pool


Having a pool may seem like a luxury, and for the most part, it is. But there's no doubt that sometimes pool maintenance can be a burden.

But it doesn't have to be. 

Here are a few tips on how to easily keep a pristine pool while dedicating little time to pool maintenance. 

Use a Tennis Ball 

Who knew that tennis balls have a dual purpose as helping to keep a pristine pool? Pools can accumulate all kinds of oils, from our body oils to sunscreen, but tennis balls are a quick fix to absorb the oil and keep your pool looking squeaky clean. Just throw a couple in your pool and you're good to go. 

Keep the Pool Walls and Surrounding Areas Clean 

If you want to keep your pool water sparkly clean, you need to make sure that the pool walls and surrounding areas are also clean. Many of the products you need to clean these areas can probably be found in your laundry room cabinets. 

Usually, baking soda and a laundry detergent will do the trick. It is also important to rid your pool of any excess debris such as leaves and algae buildup. Power washing your pool deck every once in a while is also a good idea. 

This process is commonly known as skimming and scrubbing and it is an important part of pool maintenance. If you keep up with it at least once a week, you should only need to dedicate a small amount of time to the process. 

Clean Your Pool Filter Weekly 

Another simple step you can take toward a clean pool is cleaning your pool filter on a weekly basis. It may seem like a hassle, but if you keep up with it, it can actually be a real time saver. 

A good rule of thumb to know when it's time to clean your filter is when it reaches 10-15 pounds per square inch. A little bit of dirt in your filter can actually be good, so excessive cleaning of the filter is not necessary. You'll also want to clean out the pipes around once every month. 

Make Sure Your Water and Chemical Levels Are Steady

Another step that will save you time, in the long run, is maintaining your water and chemical levels on a daily basis. A pool testing kit as a good way to check your levels, but an obvious sign that your pool needs attention is water that is cloudy in appearance. 

Shocking your pool is an easy way to make sure the chemicals are at a good level. A shock treatment, or a super chlorination, should be performed around every two weeks during prime pool usage.  

Water levels should also be checked and maintained constantly, as they can drop quickly with constant pool use. 

Keeping a Pristine Pool Made Easy

Following these four tips will help keep your pool pristine. But some of the steps, such as pool shocking and filter and pipe cleaning can seem a little intimidating. 

Sometimes it's best to just relax and leave it to the professionals. And soon enough, you'll be relaxing pool-side with one less worry. 

Jonathan Cavazos